To be human again?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 16198

Scott stares down at the small ring in his forepaws, thinking. In Advance Dungeons and Dragons, the rule of thumb was that nobody willingly got transformed and would go to great lengths to return to normal if transformed! Scott searchs his heart, and finds this is all too true. Being a dragon would be.....great for a while, but the novelty was already wearing thin! He wanted to be his old human self again. "I wish to be a human again like before I dinked with the transmorgifier, but retain the experiences, equipment, and memories of what I've expereinced in this lifetime to date." he wishes. Scott's senses scramble for a second, but he opens his eyes and finds himself human again with basically what he asked for. He remembers exactly what happened. He has all his clothing and equipment. He looks around and......

  1. Finds the blue dragon hatchling looking at him curiously.

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