I am Dragon

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 16191

A searing pain knifes into Scott's back forcing him to fall to the ground. His whole body feels like it is stretching, growing. The pain is so great that Scott opens his mouth to scream, but no sound comes out. "What have I done?" Scott askes himself, as his body continues to be racked with pain. Suddenly, like a light being switched off, the pain disapears. Scott tries to smile in relief, but finds that his mouth no longer moves in that direction. He stands up on his four (four?) legs and flexes his wings (wings). Scott leaps into the air and beats his wings with a feeling of newfound freedom.

(Author's Note: episode originally posted and created back at Addventure, Game 3, by Leah Anne Predon).

  1. Unfortunatly, Scott has forgotten about the low roof.

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