
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 16165

"Thanks, mate!" the Trolls roared as they slammed their cups together, spilling ale all over themselves and Fred. They drank and they drank, and Fred gazed them in wonder. How can they drink all this without passing out? he wondered. He asked them what the reason was, and the biggest Troll gladly revealed the secret:

"We just cut our bellies open when they're full, and then we just glue them together again when they're all wmpty. It's pretty easy when you're a Troll.

  1. Fred worked out a plan to rule the village with an army of these (close to) immortal Trolls.
  2. He challenged them to a drinking contest.

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Sir Erlend the Ugly (inspired by the folk tales collected by Asbjørnsen & Moe)

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