Hmmm. So nice of you dropping in!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1608

After what seems like hours of crawling through tight places, Astra swears that a couple of times she almost got stuck! How Fred was able to squeeze through those spots is beyond Astra!

Finally, the demi-foxes squeeze through the last dozen feet into the relatively spacious interiour passage to the wyrm's lair! The duo's clothing is dirt encrusted and torn in dozens of places. The foxes themselves should be bruised and cut up as much as their clothing, but all they are is dirty. Lycanthropy does have it's advantages.

The foxes sneak slowly into the lair, where they hear a deep, heavy snoring. The enter and see the body of Minestus is spead out, sound asleep, on a large mound of coins. Somehow, besides a large table of mage's equipment on a huge oaken table and countless shelves full of scrolls, discounting the large ugly glass figure in one corner, this place is much less clutter with treasure than the foxes would imagine a wyrm's lair to be! Maybe it is due to the fact that the dragon concentrates on the study of magic, instead of treasure gathering......

The dragon snorts and suddenly becomes fully awake as soon as the demi-foxes creep through the thresehold of his lair. He blinks and then chuckles at who he sees before him.

"Astra, my pet," the dragon chortles. "You came back! And not only are you with child, you brought a friend! And darn it if it isn't good old Lord Frederigo!"

Fred mutters something vile, and then.....invites Malachi in!

A flash of light and a clap of thunder blinds Fred. Astra, remembering Malachi's warning about what to do AFTER inviting her in, grabs Fred and ducks behind a large pile of coins!

The sounds of battle are deafening. The sights of battle probably be even more impressive, but the demi-foxes know well enough to stay under cover until the last primal roar and the last thundering lightning bolt fades. Fred and Astra peak over the pile, and groan at what they see.

While Minestus had been defeated by Malachi, her victory had been Pyrric. She lies on her side, gapsing and bleeding in dozens of places. Fred can tell from his prior experience as a dragon slayer.....Malachi's wounds are mortal and even the fabled magical healing powers of the dragon can't staunch the flow of blood from THESE wounds.

"He....was stronger than I....expected," whispers the dragonness in a pain glazed voice. "Much stronger. Fred, Astra, I'm.....cough....sorry. It looks like I won't be able to help you after all.

"But don't make plans about enjoying the simple life yet." she continues, a look of determination coming to her reptilian eyes. "I have a condidant that....I think he can help you.

"The Crystallic is that glass figure over there," the dragonness waves. "It's collapsable, magically, so it can fit in your pocket. Take it to Synizn, and he can help you. Do it quickly, because you two only have two weeks before your transformation becomes permanent!"

The dragonness then dies quietely, leaving the foxes in a bit of a problem. This Synizn has been reputed to hang out at a group of taverns in the city of Walants in human form, but......

  1. Were-foxes kind of stand out in a crowd......

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