In any other setting.....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 15693

"I suggest that you should speak with a priest and get.....cleansed of back around when you rescued Jake," Queen Astra quietly suggested to Susannah.

"Oh....we took care of that business already," Susannah says, blinking....and understanding just why Queen Astra was broaching that subject.

Before, she'd have been put really off by that....... But she knows that, amongst other things, is that Queen Astra is not only the head of the secular side of Aqualaria.....but also was the head of the main religion of Aqualaria......something similar to the Pope of the Catholic church back on her a way. She didn't know how exactly she felt about this business of not having church and state separated (the norm for Terra Prime.....vice what is normal back in Western culture back back on her Earth)....but that was an aside right now. She was clergy, and those in clergy are worried about stuff like that....and possible negative effects of her being.....bait back when she distracted that male demon in the standing stones when Eddie was bringing Jake through to Mid-world. To be fair, if it had been a girl demon instead of a guy demon, then Roland would have been......bate. But it hadn't happened that way and after she had missed her period....she was a bit......worried, understandably. She'd been worried about having something like "Rosemary's baby" (a movie that Eddie had told her about.....brr!). But, unknowingly, she'd already had covered with past dalliances with Eddie. Oh, nothing bad about that! Right? She and he had already been husband and wife (if only making it official back when Queen Astra had wedded them back on Terra Prime with those other folk). Well, she had believed in some Higher power (if not exactly....for a bit.....being sure if God was there after all that she'd seen and heard back on Mid-world).....but it struck her as being a good idea. She had heard bad things whispered about possible side her and her future offspring if that angle was left unchecked. It had surprised the local preacher to no ends....but after an hour long Confessional with that one.....dragon mage.....Sigin (didn't he and that other strange group go into that strange spaceship outside the town limits?)....well, the guy had looked a bit shell shocked already to not tell Susannah to get the **** out of there.

"I've already read your part in The Wastelands," the preacher (formerly of the Catholic denomination.....before the Event made the question of Papal Supremacy moot....and caused the Christian Church to again be united) said shamefacedly, " it on a plane trip out to Boulder instead of reading for my next Sermon..... Well, if you hadn't.....that demon would have killed you all before Jake got through......"

A dozen "Hale Mary" was all the priest proscribed afterwards....and wonder of wonders Susannah.....did.....feel a bit.....cleaner afterwards.

Considering the world that Terra Prime was.....that probably was more true than what it could have been, otherwise.

"Good," Astra says, nodding. "I didn't want to......pry or push. I know that the culture that your from finds such things......"

"Yeah, you could say that, sugar...." Susannah chuckles mirthlessly. "If anybody said I'd be doing anything close to what I've been doin' with Roland, Eddie, and Jake even before you all came out o' thin air on Blaine! Lordy!"

She'd called them mad.....whether she was in her "Odetta" or "Detta" modes, Jake thinks to himself.

"'Ordy!" Oy says solemly, looking up at the others with his golden eyes.

Meanwhile, the Doctor (the EHM) comes back from the corner after giving a quick briefing of events her in Nantucket to the Voyager.....and getting a briefing of what was happening back there.

  1. The Doctor looked....rather grim......
  2. The Doctor looked....rather grim...... (Version 2.0)

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