The Offer...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 15654

Randal Flagg..... and knocks the dragons out cold with a gesture!!

"Gee," Flagg says, looking over at the dragons, "Did I do that?"

The smile he gives off then speaks of a man who's having entirely too much fun to be considered sane.

"Oh well," he sighs melodramatically and then makes a small yanking motion in the direction of the female dragon before turning back to a shaking Scott.

"Now, tell me something," Flagg says, turning serious. "You really want to just go back to your to whatever whims any old Author. Same old shit like what just happened with you moments ago? You do know that your changing into a horse instead of getting one was due to an Author? That the bollixed transport to this minotaur's is an Author with a sick sense of humor? Want to bet that if you just to back......they'll leave you be? Have they ever?"

Scott's face turns dark, remembering past deeds done to him.

"What if I could give you the power to get even?" Flagg continues, in a soft, tempting voice. "All you have to swear fealty to me and bow....."

Flagg gives Scott a little nibble of the Author power he offered (along with a bit more of "chaos" energy to sweeten the taste). And this Scott being of rather weak character (morally).....was hooked!

Flagg smiles and Scott gasps as the full Author power courses through him.....and at that moment he goes a bit mad on power.....and goes corrupt. With a bit of a clumsy gesture to get free of the confines of Addventure Game 3, he teleports himself, Flagg, the still unconscious dragons, and a large chunk of the cave into a world (what some call "Nantucket Earth") free of that insane game.....

"So many little time," Author Scott says gleefully, demonically, and to wage war on those he sees as guilty. Many of whom Scott has mistaken for actual Authors.....but that's a different story.

"Now, to see how the soup is coming out," Flagg chuckles happily, walking over to a sight near some crashed spaceship. Where a wolf morph is shouting in surprise.......

"One last thing," Solomon says, "Much I hope, this time. In what I know of the accident that nearly killed you, that van.....well......I thought ithappened back in 1998.....not earlier as you said."

"That was in the other 'then'," Anthony points out, "This is in this 'now'."

"Er....right," Freddy Vulpine says, trying to sort all of this out.

The meal ends well enough, and Roland pays the check (in gold...causing a bit of a stir at that), and the Gunslinger and the others head for a place to retire for the night when a....disturbance interrupts them. Something being broadcasted over Marn's combadge.....

"Well now," a voice says, "What do we have here?"

  1. "Marten Broadcloak!" Roland roars in anger, recognizing the voice's owner instantly.

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