So, tell me about this place....and you.

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 15646

Selania bounds into the next room, and suddenly snaps back to her original size and is amazed to see Deveron also grow quickly into a larger, male version of herself. Apparently, with the death of Merkotos, the spell that had diminished Selania (and Deveron while he was still a familiar) expired also. Selania waites a second, and notices....she's still a female dragon with jewlery (if not a bad looking one, she admits to herself). In fact, she kind of likes her new body. Selania decides to come back to that latter, right now.....

"Jeeze, Dreven!" Selania shouts as she looks at Deveron. "You're bleeding!"

"Merkotos.....was able to get off a spell that.....wounded me....but I'll live!" Dreven gasps as he limps over to Selania. He is bleeding from a dozen wounds and one wing is hanging limply at his side....broken. It looks serious, but not life threatening. Still, Dreven is going to have to see a medic....or a cleric, Selania guesses, real soon. Merkotos, however, is down and out....permanently! The gaping holes hin his neck, chest, and stomach saw to that! Dreven walks unsteadily over to Merkotos' body, and cleans his bloody claws on the dead man's cloak.

"So, tell me, does a nice dragon like you get pulled in with an asshole like this?" Selania asks as she watchs the male clean himself. Dreven jerks around at Selania's profanity, and then remembers what this dragoness was....before becoming Royalty.

  1. Dreven winces as he pulls himself up on his hind legs, crosses his arms, and begins to tell his tale.

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