
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1564

The woman Astra registered the scent of a male fox somewhere close and before she even understood what was happening, she was overcome by the physiological and psychological changes that saw her transform into a fox! The vixen's little body quivered as the scent of the male grew stronger; she bounded out into the woods on the eternal search that is the lot of base animals. She quickly found the male by a spring and within moments accompanied by some smelling and licking the pair began to copulate.

Meanwhile, Lord Frederigo of the Great Kingdom put the finishing touches on his campsight. His tent was made from some sheets that the doctor had given him, a small fire glowed within a circle of stones, he had sharpened some sticks with his axe (another 'gift' of the doctor) and his sword was at his side. He sat upon a blanket and wondered at the strange turn of events; first he ran afoul of the strange Dr. Vincent and was nearly killed by the purple ape-thing, then he was transformed into some type of freak with scissor-hands, next the princess Astra sneezed and disappeared from the laboratory - "whisked away" according to the doctor. Fred thanked the gods that the spell was able to return him to his rightful form. The doctor had been full of apologies, and had re-equiped him with decent traveling gear...even a horse. Lastly, the doctor transported Frederigo to an area that, according to his calculations, should of been near to where Astra had been deposited. So there he was.

Days passed as Sir Fred searched the woods for his friend, but all he saw were squirrels, skunks and foxes. His meals were whatever he caught that day: sometimes he cooked rabbit stew or fox flame-broiled, squirrel-on-a- stick or deer-kabob. Days passed and still he found no sign of the Amazon Princess. Finally he decided to leave, he had to find where in the world he was, then find the Great Kingdom, and then kill a dragon - he was honorbound to do so, and though it grieved him to lose his companion, he had very little choice.

On his last day searching in the wood he was in a glade and sat upon his horse. He heard some rustling and saw, to his amazement, two foxes who seemed to be hunting together. He pulled out a bow and placed the arrow as he was taught. He watched the two creatures for some minutes but then his hunger got the better of him and he shot. Straight and true, the arrow found it's home and one of the foxes was dead!

  1. Lord Fred gasped as the fox changed into a very dead Princess Astra!
  2. Lord Fred ate a fine fox meal and then left the woods for higher ground in search of the nearest hamlet or village.

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