Around the ship....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 15391

You decide that eavesdropping would not be a good idea, but you figure you can still get a better idea of just what the $%$# is up here. You've gotten the basic picture, but some details are lacking! You'd think that with all fancy equipment, that they'd be better prepared for being stranded on a planet!

Soon, you come across an Ensign who's not busy, and is willing to spend a bit of time talking to a stranger. The guy's name is Solomon, and he's a relatively normal human being. Names are exchanged, and hands are shaken (the guy's a bit odd, but okay).

"Well, Frank, it's like this." Solomon says after you tell him what you know. "What they didn't mention was that . . . . wormhole the anomaly threw us into was REALLY long! We were in there something like nine months! And to make matters worse, the wake of the anomaly played merry hell on power distribution, replicators . . . . We had to bypass everything up like a Christmas tree! Also, you've got to remember that that we're carrying twice the prescribed amount of crew than the Voyager was designed to carry! It was dicey that we had to go so long between planets, restocking needed stuff!"

"I think I see what you're getting at." you say. "So you guys were strapped even BEFORE you crash landed here!"

"Right!" Solomon nods. "Now, if what you say is true, and from what I've heard from the grapevine, it probably is . . . . I have a knack for telling a line form the true deal . . . . .we're NOT dead men!"

""Pardon, you lost me." you say. This conversation just went off into left field.

"What I mean is that we might be able to contact this Nantucket place, offer them a few things in exchange for for and other needed supplies needed for life." Solomon says. "It'll probably kill the Janeways, what with how it flies in the face of the Prime Directive and all, but . . . . ."

"Yeah, I see what you mean." you say. "But better to break a few rules than a starved crew! Besides, there's no WAY you guys can hide that!" You wave at the wreck of the Voyager. The Europeans never found a 20th century town in the Americas, much less a SPACESHIP. Also, the town of Nantucket is only a few hundred miles away. Paths will cross eventually. Paths that will lead to the discovery of the hulk of the Voyager.

"In for the penny, in for the pound." Solomon says. "Just us being here will change things. Might as well make contact!" After a while, the conversation drifts to what is up with Scott and furry Ensign Wildman.

"Oh, that." Solomon smiles. "It was a wonderful wedding, and the human Janeway caught the bouquet. You ask me, I think that Scott and Wildman somehow PLANNED that to happen, but . . ." Solomon shrugs and smiles.

"It's gotta be platonic, the relationship." you sputter. "I mean, they can't produce children . . . ."

You stop, because Solomon is laughing.

"Platonic he says!" Solomon chuckles. "Now, there's a joke! No, it's anything BUT platonic! It was because . . . .we'll, that's none of your business . . . However, let's just say that furry Samantha Wildman is expecting, and Scott is the father!"

"Furries and human's can produce kids?" you say in a small voice.

"Yes, and to make it even MORE interesting is the fact that offspring from a furry/human relationship will always produce offspring of the type that the furry is."

"So, Wildman is going to produce a bouncing baby puma girl?" you say.

"Could be a girl or a boy." Solomon says, correcting your mistake. "The only thing that is certain about the genetics of the situation is, that'll be a furry of the same phenotype of the furry parent! Don't ask me to go into details about the science behind it, I barely passed basic biology!"

"Thanks, you've been a big help." you say dazedly. You wonder off to the side, to ponder what this all means. What you come up with makes you kind of sick to your stomach. There is potential here to breed the human race OUT of existence, and the Star Trekers probably WON'T throw a hissy fit because . . . . you remember the mixed racial heritage of Torres and Spock. This is not a plot, but still you can't help but wonder what this world will be like in say a century or two.

  1. You can go off and see what is developing with the the top brass of the Voyager . . .

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