College Fund Hunting....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 15381

'Hey could be treasures up here. After all, birds like shiny things right?' you think to yourself. You take a look around the nest. In addition to several large eggs and a lot of twigs there is little of interest. You begin to tire and consider getting out while the getting is good when you see a glint under a giant feather. Further examination reveals a skeleton. The skeleton has a pouch and a long but rusty sword. 'Hey a weapon', you think, 'now I can fight the giant bird and take its treasure!'. Of course the sword didn't help the poor sap who is lying in the nest, but you've seen a lot of ninja movies and you can probably do a little better. Do you:

  1. open the pouch

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This episode was originaly submitted by peloso at the "Gav & Peloso" addventure website.

2/23/2001 3:30:48 AM

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