head-shrinking lotion

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 15183

Fred claimed he couldn't possibly have a piece of magic on the house but he would like some magic if there was something he could give the wizard in return. Steed noticed Fred staring at his bald patch. He explained that male pattern baldness was unfortunately hereditary in his family. All of a sudden, Fred had a fantastic idea! He asked Steed to strike a deal with him - if the wizard would magically lead Fred to the dragon Fred would lend him his head-shrinking lotion (patented by talentless trolls to maximise the amount of hair you actually have onto a smaller area thereby giving you a fuller head of hair) Steed agreed on the condition that the head-shrinking lotion had no side effects. Fred explained that the side effects were minimal (whilst simultaneously hoping that Steed had one of those deprived childhoods where he's never seen a troll with footlong vertical electric blue hair) All of a sudden, there was a puff of smoke and the wizard and Fred were in a mysterious dark forest. Steed whispered to Fred that the dragon was fifty paces to the left, and twenty-five steps down a secret passageway. Fred thanked Steed and handed over the lotion. Steed immediately poured the head-shrinking fliud all over his skull!

  1. lather, rinse, repeat! How many times do I have to tell you people?
  2. Steed's head began to shrink....

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