Disappearing Act

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 14978

"Doctor Who?" Fred asked.

"That's exactly my point. You see, I am a Doctor Who fan." She revealed a button on her armor that said "Paul McGann Estrogen Brigade." "And," Astra continued, "I had sworn since I was young that I would love only another Doctor Who fan. So I fell in love with Sir JH. He is my first husband, and the first in my heart. But he is trapped in the cave of the Witch of the White House. If you are to marry me, you must free him."

  1. Fred and Velus....are suddenly blinded by a bright flash of light, as well as Astra. An arcane word is then shouted....and all black out. Velus awakes later, alone. Fred and Astra awaken in a pyramid that is red in color....

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