Wrinkle in Space/Time

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 14948

Jarlath rolls his eyes, knowing well enough from what "his" Rowena told of her misadventures before finding Fred 7 what kind of spell the other mage is speaking about....and that perhaps this mage of D'Honaire. As for the odd parts in this Fred, Jarlath was guessing that when Fred got restored to human that the Crystallic didn't take care of that blip. Dr. Vincent back on Terra Prime had admitted having to "make do" in order to get Fred 3 back in shape after Bobo nearly destroyed him.... "No, there are ways," the mage of D'Honaire interrupts, "There are things that only father and son know and the issue of identity has been proven beyond doubt and questions of safety for my lord answered sufficiently. The Duke is convinced and so am I and I SHALL attest to this in front of the Council of the White Hand if need be."

"Be it on your head it be then if you are proven wrong," the other mage sighs before breaking contact with them.

The D'Honaire Mage (Ibin) sighs and turns back to speak with his young guest and freezes.

Jarlath blinks in surprise and turns when he hears several shouts of surprise from his friends and his loves. They wobble on their feet a bit due to the vertigo of suddenly being teleported.

"Sorry Champions, but we have a dire problem," a familiar voice says off to the left.

"Rule 179 and Agent 179, I presume?" Annafrid greets them, not knowing HOW she knows who these Cestrials are exactly (One Rule looks like another Rule to the ordinary eyes, ditto for telling one Agent from another).

"Correct," they says, nodding.

"Sorry to interrupt, what this being your honeymoon vacation and all," Agent 179 says, frowning in consternation (he was rather fond of all the brave Champions from Terra Prime, and of course it translated into regret in interrupting Jarlath's group's adventure by turning it into a Task). True, it really didn't CHANGE what the Champions were dead set on doing.....but somehow....it just didn't seem right.

"I also wish to apologize, but as I already said....." Rule 179 put in. "Yet as you know, sometimes duty calls at most inopportune times. Then again, since you were already ‘on the case' even before Tasking......"

Rule 179 shrugs.

"What would you have us do?" Andrea asks, tail swishing about in excited anticipation.

Before, they had already been on adventure.....but a Task always proved to be even more challenging....and exciting!

"It has to do with the source of the dangers threatening this world's Allaria, Aqualaria, and well the entire world." Rule 179 continues, "It has to do with the Crimson Pyramid....and the fourteen lives who's lives are hanging in the balance on whether you succeed or fail. That and a world that could go very furry.....if not to a large percentage Foresaken."

"But first we must show you those fourteen lives," Agent 179 puts in, "Frankly, you should recognize. Lord Fred, along with his parents, are being visited by....officials of the Office of Good and seeing a similar presentation. More on that later, but the pitch is for Fred alone, alas."

  1. An image flickers before them and seven stories of seven couples unfold before them.....

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