Probing the mind.

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 14144

Fred decided to probe the mind of Shoggoth 1. However, he had no idea where to start. The damn thing was huge! Fred roared in rage and ran at the creature, which blasted at Fred with lightning bolts. Fred ducked and wove between them, shaking his sword in the air and continuing to scream with rage until he reached the creature's foul precipice, whereupon he climbed up it's side, assisted by his blade, until he reached Shoggoth 1's inner occipital lobe. Here Fred paused and hacked his way into Shoggoth 1's brain and feasted upon the matter within.

"Happy now?" Shoggoth 4 said, somewhere within Fred's agitated consciousness."

"Shut up!" Fred shouted. "You control me no more! You are now at best a sidekick of sorts, lodged within my skull. Kinda like Velus... Say, where'd he go, anyway?"

"Ran off." Shoggoth 4 said. "But say, I really think you're cut out for the Shoggoth gig, seeing what you did back there. We don't even have to slay the Dragon. We can go on the road and give live shows of you devouring cattle and biting the heads off of chickens."

  1. Strangely, this idea appeals to Fred. He and the Fourth Shoggoth go on to found the Traveling Shoggoth Carnival Troupe.
  2. "Shut up!" Fred demands. "I must persist in my mission to defeat the Dragon of the Northern Caves!

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