Unexpected Reunions....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 14073

Jenny and her brother jump as they hear Jones say the name of their mother. That and Solik'tril Jone's/One Eye's eyes snap open in surprise, instantly out of his slumber in shock at the sound of his lifemate's name!

"Clearbrook?!" a young, frantic elfin boy's voice says next door, in an elfin tongue not of this world, "Where is she?!"

Three sets of elven eyes suddenly are peaking around in surprise (one ex-Wolfrider, one Wolfrider, and one very surprised reborn High One).

Not even Solik'tril/One Eye (Solik'tril for now on for convenience) can tell which initially shocks him more. That of seeing the face of the Mother of the Wolfriders (Timmain....for the boy can see her spirit shining through) or that.....of a beloved daughter thought dead at the hands of the local human tribe.

A babble of voices and somewhere amongst it all, the son of Eric Jones goes into even deeper shock when it turns out that the silver haired boy is his son, Scouter!

"Cubs!" Solik'tril whispers, crying.

Ti'mma stands back and smiles, momentarily forgotten, and she and the others watch in silence as Jenny, Solik'tril, and the others watch as the young father, son, and daughter laugh and cry in reunion.

That is until Spaceman Eric Jones (First Class) gently taps Ti'mma on the shoulder. She turns and Eric squats down so he's eye level to he

"Little one, with all due respect....would you please tell me what the f.... what's going on?" the human asks softly, voice steady but strained voice. "I've had one He...heck of a day.....worried sick about my little one and I believe that you and your friends are a key to a possible solution. Are you?"

Eric blinks, taken aback a bit when he sees a look of wisdom and compassion that spoke of a spirit within her much older that a scant ten years (elfin or not).

  1. "Yes, I do believe I can," she says softly.

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