Running Man

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1399

Lord Fred thought of using his sword to hit the strange wall but decided on his staff. What transpired next astounded everyone, including the wizard-mage Belboz; a gush of fire ran from out of the wall. The party was dumbfounded, unsure whether or not they should run for their lives or wait to see what would happen. The walls seemed to explode in a wondrous pyrotechnic display, the very air seemed to sizzle at the approaching wall of flame.

"RUN!!!" screamed out Fred. He dropped his staff, nearly tripped over the Troll and found himself racing down the rock-hewn corridor. Belboz was neck-and-neck with Fred but the Troll seemed to lag further and further behind.

The heat was intense as Fred's boots hit the stones and pebbles of the corridor. The wizard's robes seemed to fly as the slimmer mage ran as if he were a gazelle. And then they heard it; the sound that no one wished to hear. A scream echoed throughout the eerily glowing hall and then the fire faded away. Fred looked at Belboz and Belboz at Fred, they both turned down from where the fire had come, from where they had last seen the Troll, the place that was now deathly dark and disquietingly quiet.

  1. The returned to find the charred corpse of the Troll.
  2. From out of the silence they heard a tiny injured plea for help.

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