Mighty Dragon or Wimpy Lizard?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1369

"Depends." Came Belboz's reply. "Seeing through any man-made structure is usually no problem...but this..." He flailed his arms about, pointing to the cave wall.
"Well can you at least try?" Fred asked, examining the carving.
Belboz grumbled and flipped through a spell book. "Hocus Pocus Bla Bla Bla, ect. ect.!" He proclaimed, waggling his fingers at the wall. His eyes suddenly widened.
"What do you see?" Fred asked excitedly.
"There's a passageway just beyond the wall!" Belboz replied, peering at the troll. "Make yourself useful and break this wall down, Ug!" (That was the troll's name, you see)
Ug nodded. "Get out o' me way!" He backed up a few steps and then charged head first at the wall.
Smash! The dust settled and the three adventurers entered the tunnel. A gust of scalding hot wind singed the hair on Fred's head as they journeyed further and further down. "This does not bode well!" Fred said, reaching for his sword. "Methinks the dragon is near!"
Down, down, down they went for what seemed like hours. The air grew hotter and hotter, and Lord Fred grew more and more tense. He was about to engage a mighty dragon in battle, but even for the Kingdom's most valient warrior this would be a trial beyond trials. Either he would slay the beast and become a living Legend, or he would die and go down in history as just another deep fried dragon meal. Belboz and Ug appeared to be growing fearful as well.
Suddenly they came unto a vast cavern, filled with mountains of gold and treasure.
The Dragon's Lair!
"Now is the moment of truth! Show yourself, foul fiend of evil! I come to slay you, evil dragon!" Fred proclaimed, as he raised his gleaming sword high above his head.
And the dragon answered Fred's challenge, that ancient wyrm, mighty and terrible, that had plagued the kingdom with fire and claws for years. It rose from it's slumber on top of a mountian of treasure, scanning it's lair for the human that dared enter it's home. It spotted Fred and his two companions and rose to it's full height...3 feet tall.
"Go away!" It said in a squeeky, lizardy voice.
Fred blinked.
"THIS is what the strongest warrior was sent to slay!? THIS is the 'mighty' dragon that has burnt our fields and looted our treasure vaults!? THIS is the dragon that has taken away our maidens in the dead of night!?"
"Hey, what do you expect?" The dragon replied. "I mean, look around, I've accomplished more than the average dragon! And let me tell YOU..." He extended a claw towards Fred "...we dragons are a rare breed these days!"
"I think he's kinda cute!" Ug said, grinning.
"He is sorta adorable!" Belboz agreed.
"WAIT just a minute!" Fred exclaimed. "I don't care how small you are, I've come here to slay you, so prepare for battle!"
"Eek!" The dragon yelped, and flew off towards a far end of it's lair. "I give up! I'll go away! You win, oh brave Lord Fred!"

  1. Fred pursued the dragon, sword raised.
  2. "Ah shucky darns!" Fred said "I can't slay the lil' fella!"

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