Plan B

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 13354

"Well, we go with Plan B then," Elrondir sighed, "But before we can even plan Plan B, we need a bit of input from Betty....since she's already lived through this period of time already."

"That is definitely needed," the Doctor says, "I feel without it, we could very well stumble upon creating a time paradox....and I loathe to cause one."

The possible grief they can cause are not something I'd like to be responsible for even indirectly, he added to himself.

"Well, I guess I could.....if I get to see this movie everyone keeps talking about," Betty mutters, "Neither I nor Betty have seen it. It never was made in my reality....and if it was made in Ragan's.....well, she got abducted into Addventure well before that happened."

The Doctor causes the TARDIS to dematerialize, causing Brill, who'd been passing nearby on his way over to his "office" to wonder just when somebody had put a clothes washer in that building.

I don't remember anyone even going in their....much less putting machinery in that abandoned wreck! he thinks worriedly, wondering.

So the TARDIS is put in the void between years as the Doctor pulls out his copy of Enemy of the State.

Popcorn and other treats are passed out.....

  1. While this isn't exactly all for fun, Inquirer and the others aren't going to make it grim as a funeral, either......

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