The Pillar of Diamonds

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 13243

Fred doubted the box contained anything worthwhile, so he simply ignored it.

"Probably just a smuggler's lost lunch."

As he continued forward, the air began to grow cold, almost moist, and it only grew colder as he continued. The ground slowly begun to slippery yet kept it‘s rough bumps. Fred suspected he might be walking on ice, but there was no way to tell; it was pitch black all around him. His friend’s at home would think him a madman, traveling through a God-forsaken cave in search of a Ice Dragon just to earn a pretty doubloon? However, Fred thought them cowards. What’s the point of life if you do nothing with it? He believed every man had many lives, so you might as well make the best of them.

An hour trickled by. Very little had changed; still vain darkness all around. The only sounds that could be heard were the scrapings of Fred’s footsteps and the clattering of his teeth. How much longer would this last? The bloody geomancers told him that reaching the dragon would take no more than an hour-unless he'd had chosen the wrong passage [2]. Fred cursed the ignorance of the map-maker and decided that if he ever got out of here alive, he would return the favor somehow. Suddenly, Fred’s body fell forward. He hit solid cold ground-which, he had no doubt in his mind was ice-and slid downward into more darkness. His body was picking up speed rapidly, and Fred knew that if he hit a wall, he was a goner. He didn’t even bother putting out his hands; rather die instantly from collision than break hands and starve.

However, a glimmer of hope arose; deep in the distance, he could see a tiny crystal light, shining like a star. Fred hoped this slide could take him all the way to it, but soon the ground began to flatten and his body came to a halt a block short of it, though he could now make- out the objects in the room; it held a pillar made of ice diamonds. “My love, where have you been my whole life?” Fred said as he entered the diamond-lit chambers, his eyes filled with lust. He pulled out an iron hammer from his travel pack. “The dragon can wait.” He chose a spot on the pillar, and released a mighty blow.


His swing did little more than make a small ripple of cracks on the pillar. This was going to take a while. Fred winded up for another swing.

  1. Still does minimal damage. He continues this until he get some good-sized chucks out of it.
  2. Suddenly, the chamber begins vibrating.
  3. Suddenly, a roar echos from not-far-away. A creature can be heard moving closer.

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