Gifts and Interviews

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 13173

"Meanwhile, there's a gift that I would like to give Annafrid, so long as the Gods and Goddesses are willing."

So, listening to her heart, the blue skinned Mountain Fairy begins to make entreaties to her Gods and Goddesses to grant her this gift on this one very special and brave woman.

"And what gift is this?" Annafrid asks, thinking that perhaps the fairy would again give her something like that ability to tame any beast, "The ability I was given last time? That would be nice...."

Chelene, eye's still half closed as she is still seeking favor from on High, still manages to give off a laugh that is a combination of fairy bells and bady's breath (very light, airy, and totally fey).

"Young one!" she laughs softly, "What I give you is well above and beyond that last one.... for once this Gift is given, it can never be taken back by any Being less than Those who were willing to grant it in the first place!

"I give to you eternal youth and health - you will never age, will never fall sick or die." she say, exultant as she Feels the Gift flow from her into the young human woman, "You will remain your young, beautiful self forever."

"Well, that will make the upcoming relation I saw more lasting," Astra mutters to herself softly. Andrea and Chelene have sensitive enough ears to hear that, but since neither one had seen the look that Annafrid had given Jarlath.....neither knew what Astra was speaking about.

But be that as it may, none of them are privy to a quick but silent conversation that is going on....something that only the mind's eye of Annafrid can see.

Three Celestrial Beings are what she sees before her. Shocked and awed, she gasps and bows humbly before them....showing the respect due to Those as powerful as They.

One is a beautiful female angel.

One is a strange bein dressed in eldritch grey and black clothing and wearing a strange facial decoration in front of his (?) eyes.

The last is a young seeming man that seems to be dressed in barbaric splender of leathern garments....and chains.

"Before we can grant you this Boon," the heavenly angel says softly, "Know that once given, we will not take it back. Also, the Others must knows if you are willing to become their Champions."

"Know that you must not lie," the leather clad figure speaks, "For at this point falsehood will prove to be your undoing."

Rule and Agent already knew that this one was capable and willing, but this Ceremony was deviation was....a bad idea.

The Rayek incident had made Alowances for special compensations.......

  1. But, this was touchy business, and if Annafrid didn't navigate this correctly....nothing personal....they'd have to destroy her and put her in the Her After.

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