Uh, did I tell you I get stage fright?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 13131

Jenny and Scott walk into the library, and Scott stops dead in his tracks. The freaking place looks like a hall of mirrors because Humfrey has hung dozens of magical mirrors that show EVERY major character that Scott has every read in this weird series, as far as Scott can tell. It looks like a magical version of teleconferencing. Scott is feeling nervous because ALL of them turn and look at HIM!

The Humfrey that Scott first met (he guesses, since he STILL is wearing a bathrobe). He looks very tired and dragged out as he looks up and address Scott.

"Ah, Scott." the bathrobed Humfrey says tiredly. "I was hoping you'd come. Could you do me a.....favor and explain to these.....ladies and gentlemen what in the blazes in going in in Mundania and how it is effecting Xanth. I think YOU at least have a grasp on the situation, and I'm about out of patiencs from trying to explain it"

Scott gulps as he stares at the rapt faces behind the mirrors glass. Yes, probably could explain it since Humfrey....wasn't one for simple explantion. However, his old fear of speaking before a crowd is kicking in.

  1. Go through with the explanation the best you can.
  2. Tell Humfrey to do it!
  3. Stand there for the next half hour stuttering and stammering.
  4. Breath in, breath out.

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