Tangletrees and Nicklepedes and Less Pleasant Things...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 13111

The centaur filly (for the uninitiated, read: "teenager") turned around to face Scott after she put her bow and arrows away on her back. "My name is Chex", she said. "I was on my way to the Good Magician Humfrey to ask him a Question, when I saw you trapped by that Tangletree. You must be a Mundane to get caught so easily, right? I mean, no Xanthian would EVER get so close to one of those things!"

Scott looked at her blankly. "Xanth? Question? Humfrey? Tangletree? Mundane?" Then, to save us all the bother of listening to Chex explain Xanth, which even in a nutshell would take forever and a day, the knowledge of all 22 novels that this author had read of the series (all of them, so far) came pouring into his head and he more or less understood everything. "Um, yes." he said "I am a Mundane. That is, I'm not from Xanth and I don't SEEM to have any magical Talent, but I DO seem to be able to survive, or at least get re-incarnated from, just about ANYTHING!"

"Hmmn," said Chex thoughtfully. "Sounds like you have 'Hero's Luck', which is a secondary talent that any Major Character has. It's what keeps them alive and makes them luckier than the incidental folk in a story. I hope I have that. But I don't know if I am going to be a major character yet; after all this is the first Xanth novel I've appeared in and it's only in the first chapter still."

Scott looked around his odd surroundings; if what his Author was telling him was true, this was NO place to get caught alone without magic. "But what should I do?" Scott whined. "I'm totally lost here."

"Hmm." said Chex. "I can think of three things that might help you."

  1. "You can go with me to Magician Humfrey and ask him how to get home for your Question. He knows everything!"
  2. "You can go to the Winged Monsters of Mount Rushmost and ask them for help. I am descended from them, so they will listen to anyone who is a friend of mine."
  3. "You can go to Castle Roogna and ask the centaurs and the human rulers of Xanth there for help. I have friends and relatives there as well."

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