Some Questions Postponed, Permanently.....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 13086

Fred couldn't shake the words of the madman. He also couldn't shake the desire to know more of what he was speaking about. He knew of the Dragon, he had met him only moments before in the form of a dog, but who was Jack Nicholson and what was MIT??? Fred shook his head again. It didn't matter, the only thing that mattered was killing the Dragon.

To Kill or Not to Kill, that is the Question.

Fred then takes stock of his equipment, and stares down at the armor he's wearing!

It's not the armor he'd come into the caverns in. Rather, it was the stuff of dragonslayer legend....and he's wearing it!! Though he's never actually seen it before, the Flamebane armor (with it's highly magical, ebony sigil engraved features) is recognizable enough!

A highly prized legend indeed, for it was extremely magical with properties that made the user impervious to fire....even as hot as dragon's breath!

But before he can say anything about the marvel he sees, he gasps as a....familiar tingling sensation overtakes him....again. Followed this time by waves and waves of agony.

Fred screams in agony as again an orange redish fur covers his body and his body again takes on the form of a humaniod fox with digitigrade (animal like) feet and legs.

Fortunately for Fred the magical armor he's wearing (like most other types of magical armor) adjusts itself to fit the form of the wearer. Otherwise, the bodily changes that Fred is going through could cause some rather painful pinching and such in odd places (like paw like feet and growing fox tail)!

Basically, he's turning into something that looks something like a fox standing on it's hind legs, kind of.

Scoot, the one who'd gained Author Powers through a dark pact with a demon/demoness called RF, giggles insanely and freezes the still transforming Fred in mid process....and then shrinks the unfortunate one down to the size of a doll and pockets it.

The mock cave he'd placed this Fred in fades away, back into the chaos that is the stuff that Addventure is made of!

Oh, he'd loved playing the seemingly helpful comicbook store shopkeeper/mage that had apparently cured Fred of his apparent blood curse (in actuality, Fred was now of a new species entirely...a Manimal). The look of shock and betrayal on Fred's face (an upstart to his supposed "fans'" affections) had been delicious indeed!

"Oh, but I want to see your face, my game rival, when you see the blasted ruins of your precious Allaria after I finish this business with Ragan back on that one Terra," he chortles as he wills himself away back to what is called Terra Prime.

  1. Second's later, the mad Author Scott is ensnared by the Barrier placed by angered Rules and Agents. Stripped of Author power and cast naked back into Room 1 of Addventure (Game 3), the dazed Scott wonders just what the Hell happened!

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