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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 12145

Fred re-orients himself after the confusion of the last few minutes. The redhead introduces herself as Princess Astra, next in line to rule the neighboring kingdom of Aqualaria. She had come to these caves to prove her worth to be king, although everyone knew she was there for the treasure which Aqualaria needed because of budget shortfalls.
She told Fred all this over the din of him beating the heck out of her chains with a rock.
The last of the chains finally came free as the rock crumbled in Fred's hands.
Unfortunately there were many sharp pieces and thus, many shallow cuts.
Fred's gallant plan to clothe the utterly naked Astra in his emergency bandages went cock-eyed as Astra wrapped his hands in the bandages.
He tried to protest such a thing, telling of the time he found the sentient pearls of Hyrule with blood streaming from most of his limbs. Astra didn't want to hear any of it.
And so a new companion joined the party. Naked as the day she was born and armed with a foot long section of chain she could swing into a blur...she was one of the oddest party members Fred had ever had on one of his many quests. (There had been the floating skull with the potty mouth when Fred and the water wizard had taken an oath to destroy the evil Baron Von Baron of the Three Kingdoms. The only one weirder).
The group ventured deeper into the caves.

  1. They find thirteen waterfalls in one room.
  2. They find a wounded elf. Not a life-threatening wound though.
  3. They find a sword but it feels insanely evil. No one wants to touch it.
  4. They find a bundle of papers.

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