To Fight....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 12132


And they joined in battle, and it was glorious!

I....guess you could say that.

Me, I have only started on this gig, being part of what I would all fantasy. However, besides the fact that with the rather anachronistic standouts like railguns and rayguns (the phasors), I doubt classic epic fantasy stories would find such in it. But on the plus side (insert droll laughter here), I was only able to stun one or two with my phasor (in the heat of battle I couldn't switch it to wide area "stun"). Then I had to drop it and draw my sword.....

Now, while I am still only learning the ins and outs of using a bow (comes with being an elf), I seemed to have been born a swordmaiden (hey, I'm from's possible)! Anyway, while I'm making out like the classical fantasy heroine, I see that those who've also been born with a sword in their hands (notably the Freds and Astras) have a look on their face. That look is exhalation.

That's when I knew, then and there I'd found a home with these other people. I knew because I knew that I also had that look on my face.


I'm sure that my mother, who I haven't seen since birth, would have been horrified at the sight of her dear little daughter slashing and hacking through people.

I sometimes think that it is due in part to me becoming something other than human. I mean, elves are passionate....fey beings. A person of extremes at times, elves are.

Elves, and apparently the clan of D'Honaire....heck....the whole of Infinity Incorporated from the looks I see around me!

Whatever the case is, I know that VERY moment, that I'd found a home!

And so like a valkyrie I screamed in delight and again slashed out with my elf sized sword at my opponent thigh.

The next few minutes are a jumble of images. The smell of blood. The sound of screams. The sizzle of thunderbolts. All made hard to remember due to the fog of war.

Ke'lan tells me that he has experienced the same thing in similar battles, and tells me that there are still battles that he has no real memories between the start....and the end.

I've been told that the Freds and the others have the same things happen, also.

Well, the battle is winding down as the others are flying in from their attempt at contacting this world's Council of Wyrms.....

I sure don't remember just when Andrea 2, the one we just saved, went down. All I know is that I came out of....whatever.....bruised and cut (from when or where I don't remember).

That, and seeing Evis 7 finishing off the last wizard with her bare hands to stop him from "fire balling" the prone form of Andrea 2.....

I hear the evil mage's neck snapping even from twenty feet away!

  1. "No!" Probe shouts as he rushes over to the prone form, first aid kit at the ready.......

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