Special intelligence.....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 11832

"We've been investigating some... unusual occurrences... out at the VLA..." Special Agent Scully begins.

"Hmmm," Stacy begins, wondering. "I see. And what exactly does that have to do with me? I'm afraid I can't help you much…really."

"And just why is that?" Scully asks, sounding a little less friendly.

Mulder looks on, looking a bit less distracted now….and more focused on the here and now.

Stacy just sighs. If the FBI is involved in this, somehow, then things are getting serious. These two look like they think she has a clue to what's going on when she herself came to this place to get!

And since these jokers look like they're going to detain her until they get some answers…..maybe…..

"Since I've come out here myself to find some answers," she begins, "Seeing that I've lost my memory and have no clue in hell besides a vague feeling when……."

Stacy proceeds to tell her tale, hoping that she can finish quickly so as to get on with her business….

But, of course, being the people that Mulder and Scully are, they have questions upon questions that seem to make this.

The FBI can be so trying at times…..

Stacy, exasperated, finally looks over at the clock and mutters a curse.

  1. "Great, now I've missed that ride with Betty Ragan!" she mutters.

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