The Ghillie Dhu Dance...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 11117

The Rule puts a vial down and looks at it meaningfully before fading from view.....

It happened by accident, more or less, what happened next.

See, the chances of the scent of the very quarry's scent being blown far enough for the superhumanly sensitive nose that the wolf woman known as Astra were small, but it happened.

It had been for only a brief second, but enough.

There had been other scents. Scents of prey!

There were other odd scents that she had no idea of, but that was for later. As a wolfwoman, the creature in control of Astra at that moment was very much a creature of the moment.....of the Now of wolfthought to borrow a phrase from a strange story from elsewhere....and elsewhen.

She withholds a howl of pleasure at the very thought of a fellow hunter enjoying the feast, and concentrates on the task at hand that her master had given her in the first place. That of finding her packmate.....

The route back that the wolf woman chose was purely happenstance, but it happened.

What isn't happenstance is the reaction she gets when her hackles raise and she growls an angry growl at the abomination that is the Ghillie Dhu. The wolf woman had been happily cantering back to what she thought was a fellow pack member when she almost literally stumbled across the servant of the Unseelie Court. The fell creature smells of moss, leaves and other earthy things found in nature.....but still exudes a foulness to those who are within striking distance.....a general malice.

Ordered by it's creator to observe for a time and then strike at an opportune time, the Ghille Dhu growls an inarticulate growl and lumbers forward.

Ghillie Dhu. According to some texts in other realities he is of the Fey of the fabled land of Scots who is wound amongst birch thickets and is clothed in moss and leaves.....Though not actually of the Fey...only an instrument of the Unseelie Court's vengeance.....whatever the case, even a scholar can see that this creature means no good for Astra.

The creature sees an opportunity to fulfill part of it's very reason to exist, and is not going to waste it!

The wolf bites and snarls....and only tastes the bitter sap of what passes for blood in this evil creature. The humanoid monster does not even seem to notice it's hurts.

The Ghillie Dhu blocks and attempts to grapple....and strikes!

Astra gives off a startled yelp and then frantically tries to break away from the irresistible grip of the fell fairy creation as it slowly begins to strangle evident in it's crude mimic of a human face......

  1. Both elfin and human who used to be called Melissa turn along with the others and look towards the sounds of battle nearby....

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