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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 11112

Melisa sighed as the Doctors look back at the others in a bit of a bemusement.

The Time Lords seemed to have thought that of all the people present that at least those who were expecting children would be so anxious to return now that the primary goal, the rescue of the Fred dominated by Thaobath, had been accomplished.

But Aundria had gotten a feeling that with the revelation that there were other "relatives" out there on this world who needed aid that honor DEMANDED that they be helped. With the Rules and Agents seeing to matters back home, the ones who'd been with child now had the freedom of moving about without worry of injury....and they just couldn't be talked into returning without the other Astra at least. The Fred's seemed almost beside themselves with the idea of being able to find this Jarlath (who'd seemed to match their memories of various versions of their brother Charles who'd killed themselves in a failed attempt to transform themselves into fire elemental) seemed to be a second chance to save a brother that couldn't be saved the last time in a sense!

The elder D'Honaires (Frederick and Lady Champlaine) - Aundria had eavesdropped - had been taken aside by the Agent in the last moment before boarding the TARDIS. Lady Champlaine had asked about if there was someone like their departed son in this world they were going to for some reason (mayhaps the elder D'Honaire wanted to be able to save one who'd not been able to be saved the first time around?) and seemed delighted to not only learn there was....but missed his father terribly due to some unfinished business that Aundria wasn't able to hear about. They'd boarded with the others and it had been thought that they'd been indisposed or some such when the Fred of this world had been freed from the demon..... but only now it looked like they'd gone off and disappeared somewhere elsewhere than the TARDIS......

Between the frantic confession to Natthias John by the Fred of this world about his sins and such (the paladin being the closest thing to a priest AND his version of Christianity allowed Paladins to act as confessors, with a the sudden revelation that the elder D'Honaires were nowhere to be found when Evis 7 had gone to inform them that Fred was free now the talks of leaving had been absolutely little if anything with minds on anything . No signs had been found by those who'd looked around the immediate area (the third such one.....a frenzied affair this time).

No, with those facts Aundria wasn't surprised that nobody was moving to leave (not even the rescued Fred).

That's when......

  1. A bit up north, Jarlath and Andrea have managed to get well enough away from the giants to be safe.......

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