
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 10682

Fred runs from the cottage in pure terror, though he had known that his plan was farm from simple the sight of that cursed warrior-cum-beast told him only too well what could be in store for him. Fred ran westwards, hoping to leave this edge of the city and hide in the woods; to remain within the bounds of Vjorica seemed too risky to him.

As he ran he heard yells and was sure that the woman Thelma had alerted her fellow mages of her man's murder. To have the ire of a town full of mages come down upon one's head was not something Fred wished to ponder.

Finally Fred entered the ever-so-silent woods. He continued to run past bushes, beyond the crooked branches of the trees. No animals twitched, no insects buzzed, only the yells of men and women reached the frosted ears of the mageslayer. The fog, which had been patches only earlier, now seemed to thicken. Fred hoped he could use the obscurity to his advantage. And with these thoughts he kept running into the night.

  1. Thelma and some mages march out of the town with torches in one hand, their walking-sticks in the other...

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