When Fred Met Kiki

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 10619

"BUUUURRRRRRP! 'Scuse me," said a tiny voice.

"Who said that?" Fred asked, staring stupidly ahead of him.

"I did. I'm behind the rock."

"There are a lot of rocks in here," Fred replied. "Which one are you hiding behind, O Belching Stranger?"

Kiki the ferret rushed up and stood on a rock. "Oh heavens." She reared up on her hind legs. "I'm a beautiful princess that was turned into a ferret by the evil dragon. I don't know how this happened."

"Did the dragon kidnap you?" Fred asked.

"Uh...no," Kiki replied.

"Did he change you into a ferret in retaliation for not being invited to your christening so that you'd prick your finger on a spindle and--"

"No no no!!! NO!!!!!" Kiki declared. "Where did you get those crazy ideas? I stepped on this stupid dragon's tail by mistake so he got pissed off and turned me into a ferret. I've been eating ferret food, which makes me burp and gives me stomach gas." To illustrate her point, she let out a large, noisy fart.

"Aha," Fred replied. "Why don't we...PEEE-YEW!...change you back somehow?"

"If we can find that--BURP, 'scuse me--dragon and get him to change me back, that would be great."

Fred then...

  1. put Kiki in his pocket, forgetting all about her constant farting
  2. set off, keeping a distance between himself and the farting ferret
  3. went to an animal doctor to get some anti-flatulence medication for Kiki

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