Fred is No More

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 105917

Parana draws back after a long kiss, and smiles at Belboz. "My dearest wife," he says, "how I have missed you, and how glad I am that you have returned to me."

Parana did not question where she had been or how she had come back, nor could she recall the marital problems they'd had leading up to her death, or any time when she had not loved the wizard deeply. As for Belboz's attraction to his wife...

  1. Though Parana's looks were average, her mind was sharp.
  2. Parana was sorely lacking in the area of intelligence, but she was astoundingly beautiful to look at.
  3. Parana was a very skilled sorceress herself, and their magic worked well together.
  4. Parana was a very skilled sorceress herself, and their magic had once worked well together—but no wizard could grant magic to another person, so this new Parana had none.

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