An Unwilling Wife

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 104403

Freda absolutely refuses to stay still, but all the strength seems gone from her body, and when Belboz casts a spell, all her muscles seize up, and the decision is out of her hands. The ceremony is a brief one, and when the time comes, the words "I do" fall from her mouth without her permission.

Everyone has been referring to her as "Annabella" all day, and when Belboz yanks her into his mountain home at the end of the evening, closing the door behind her, he says, "Welcome home, my sweet Annabella."

She yanks her dainty hand out of his coarse one, and cries in outrage, "Stop calling me that! You know that's not my name, and this is not my home!"

"But it is, and it is," says Belboz reasonably. "I know this is all strange and sudden, but you'll grow to like it."

"As if," she scoffed, tugging at her wedding dress. It had been bothering her all day, but she could hardly improve things by taking it off. "I don't know who you think you're fooling."

"You'd probably like out of that dress," said Belboz, and her mouth snapped shut, because, well, it was true. He nodded down the hall. "Our room is that way. Pick anything you like."

"OUR room?" she began to shriek, but stopped short, hating how high-pitched her voice had become.

Belboz nodded. "Yes, our room. We're married. We share a room. I know it will take you some time to accept that, though, and I am a patient man. Don't worry, the bed is nice and large. In any case you hardly have a better option. Just go and pick a new outfit."

Freda hesitated. "Are there any trousers?"

"I'm afraid not. Not even for me; robes are more my speed. But there are plenty of beautiful dresses. Pick anything you like."

She grasped two fistfuls of skirt in her hands, staring down at it in despair.

"Annabella," said Belboz, "you'd do well to at least try. I'm giving it my all here. I'd appreciate some effort on your part too."

"Effort?" she exploded. "You've kidnapped me! Cursed me! In the strangest, most invasive of ways, and I--" She stopped, feeling tears springing to her eyes, because she would not openly weep in front of him. She refused.

"You're gorgeous when you're angry," Belboz said, amusement glinting in his eyes. "Well, if you'd rather wear that huge white thing for the rest of your life, I won't tell you you can't. Either way I love to look at you."

Maybe it was by design, but that was the final push it took to convince her to head down the hall and take a look at the selection of dresses. There was a noticeable trend of lace and pink, but she found a few options that had neither, and at last pulled out a silver nightgown. She didn't want to sleep, but she was suddenly hit by a wall of tiredness, and helplessly crawled into bed, to be taken by blackness shortly after.

When she awoke, the room was empty. After lying there for a long time, taken by horror that the whole situation hadn't been a dream, as she'd hoped, she slipped out of bed and crept down the hall. She peeked around the next corner and saw Belboz reading by torchlight in a small library. She quickly snuck by and made for the door she'd entered through, but found it locked tight.

"No use," said Belboz's voice behind her, and she whirled around, seeing him approach with a faint smile. "It only opens for me. Good morning, my sweet." He reached for her hand.

Of course, she snatched it away. "Change me back and let me out of here."

"I think not. Care for some breakfast? You've gone and slept half the morning away."

Breakfast? She was hungry, but surely he'd poison it, or something...

"Darling," said Belboz, "I said that I wanted you to marry me and keep me company. That's all. Just be my beautiful wife. You have nothing to fear from me, I swear."

She scoffed. "You turned me into a woman. Stop trying to pretend you're reasonable."

Belboz smiled. "Be careful what you wish for. Breakfast?"

She finally acquiesced, following him to the kitchen. Breakfast was delicious, so much so it must be magic. As she ate, she asked dubiously, afraid of the answer, "So what kind of company do you want?"

"Any kind you feel it most natural to provide. Sing to me as I work, cuddle, go riding with me, debate philosophy with me for hours, or even just cook and clean across the room. Be my lovely wife, that's all I ask."

She shook her head vigorously. "You're insane."

"You're so cute when you get all mad."

Her fear mounted with every word he said. She swallowed, and at last decided on a course of action.

Moments later, she was trashing his kitchen. She flung pots and pans across the room with all her meager strength, smashed every bottle of wine, spilled his food all over the floor, bent all his cutlery. His reaction was one of mild distress, which encouraged her as she moved to the next room and began to tear up his books. "This is the only kind of wife you'll get!" she screamed. "I refuse to cooperate! I will always refuse to cooperate! Release me at once!"

Now Belboz had not tampered with her emotions, inclinations, or memories one bit. She had the brain, and ergo the brain chemistry, of a woman, but that was it. He was, of course, not surprised by her lack of cooperation. And he had a response prepared.

  1. He revealed that he had kidnapped someone from Fred's past, and would do far worse to this person if she didn't shape up and act the part.
  2. He took away her privileges to everything she destroyed. She could not come anywhere near food or wine or books or anything else she might endanger until she apologized.
  3. He explained that every time she went against his wishes, a little more of Fred would be chipped away. An ideal here, a childhood memory there. And soon there would be nothing left to fill the void except for Belboz.

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