
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 10392

Fred thought about it for a little, then made his decision. "Faerie."

Belboz raised his eyebrows. "You sure? I suggested it only for completeness... I don't recommend it..."

"I have chosen. Come on, start the spell..."

"Idiot." Belboz, while personally disagreeing, waved his arms. "HAJIRI!"

A box of pure energy enclosed Fred... he was trapped. "Hey, what's the big deal?!"

"Sorry... if you move out of my range during the spell, it might backfire and kill us both. Necesary precaution."


Continuing his spell, Belboz waved his arms, spoke in an arcane tounge, spoke in a modern tounge, spoke on a cell phone, waved his arms, waved his hands, waved his fingers, waved his hair, and finished the spell with one final, gastrointestinal inflection... "BuUuUrRrRrP!"

Fred felt a wrenching on his form, heat and cold at once, pain and comfort at once, stretching and contracting at once. "Whoa!"

He was a dragon... a dragon with a question. "Hey, Belboz, when did you turn into a 300 foot tall colossus?"

"I didn't, why?"

"OH NO... now I see what you were warning me about..."

Fred was indeed a Faerie dragon, and a large one at that...

six inches long.

  1. Fred frantically asks of Belboz, "Change me back! Change me back!"
  2. Fred thinks tiny dragons are cool.
  3. "Umm... what exactly can a faerie Dragon DO?"
  4. Fred frantically asks of Belboz, "Change me back! Change me back!" (Alternate)

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