Untimely Demise

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 10270

The King had just begun his eulogy, a moving tribute to the brave and epic heroics of the deceased Lord Frederigo D'Honaire. Suddenly, during a dramatic pause, as heartfelt tears were beginning to well in the eyes of the assembled throng of mourners, a strained gasp echoed through the throne room, followed by a dull thud.

"Oh," cried a voice, "Sir [Your Name Here] has collapsed!"

Gasps of disbelief filled the great hall as a crowd formed around the beloved knight. "Give him room!" called one man. "He's still breathing!" shouted a maiden.

Sir [Your Name Here] was one of the most popular knights in the kingdom. Each person in the room felt that they somehow shared a special bond with [Your. He had a way of making you feel that he was a part of you, that he knew you in a way that few others did. As he lay there gasping, every man and woman leaned in to hear his final words.

"You get it?" he panted. "The women whose names begin with A...too funny..." and with that he breathed his last.

  1. The scene was so tragic that the King, overwhelmed with despair, took his own life.
  2. The scene was so beautiful that [Your Name Here] was declared a saint.
  3. The scene was so stupid that Sir Time Warrior could only shake his head at what his careless choice of options had wrought.

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8/23/2000 2:34:04 PM

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