A bit different than intended.....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 10169

Myrddin pulls aspects of Astra from a timeline in which she was transformed into an elf by a strange shaman, and.......oops!

Princess Astra of Aqualaria felt a strange tingling as the ceremony continued. She should have felt memories pouring into her head, memories that she had never had before in her life, and yet they felt completely natural to her. She should have remembered this:

She remembered being freed by Lord Frederigo D'Honaire, going to Doctor Vincent's tower, and being sent to a strange place by a miscast spell, just as she had in her own reality. But, in the other reality, instead of walking into the grandfather clock, she had walked through a demon-ornamented archway into astrange passage which lead to an underground river. And that had made all the difference.

She dove in, knowing that it would lead to freedom and, her strength finally gone, she'd washed up upon a beach and found Frederigo, evidently marooned her. She smiled a faint smile as she passed into unconsciousness.

Later, she awakens and both she and Fred head away from the water, into the woods in a vain hope that they will be able to find some shelter and signs of civlization.

Instead, they find an elven path that leads deeper and deeper into what turns out to be the fell Forest of Xythryx, home of strange magics, monstrous spiders and other less desirable creatures, and often a place of no return and tragedy. Fred accidentally walked head on into a nearly invisible giant web, and Astra had gotten ensnared also as she tried to get Fred's sword to drive off the maker of the web.

She SHOULD HAVE remembered this alien memory.

She should have remembered Fred desperately activating a magical ear-ring that summoned the wizard (shaman to some of his friends) Pronklezilch.

She should remember tricking the indifferent wizard into helping them against the approaching monster spider. She should remember the wizard turning them into elves (she and Fred) and leaving them to their own fates, still deep within the Woods. She should remember basically everything that is told in episode 7366!. Should remember meeting strange people and eventual friends. Should remember meeting an odd person who travels in a blue box that's larger inside than out AND travels through time/space and between several universes. She should remember becoming immortal due to her and several others becoming Champions to beings called Rules and Agents.

These memories should be coming from her twin from the other time stream, but due to the special nature of a Champion, such information is not forthcoming! On the conscious level, that is. Some parts do get through.

Most doesn't due to the fact that the Agents and Rules take care of their own. They do not allow tampering with their Champion's personal Timeline in anyway, shape, or form. In doing this, they protect the very integrity of their Champions lives and existence from those who otherwise could reach back into time, somehow, and erase what is a most vexing obstacle. This protection is wide and broad, and even prevents what COULD, if used for other......less benign and more malign.....means to majorly screw with their Champions (how, exactly, is a tale for latter, if ever).

Instead in memories, Astra is puzzled in the extreme when the arcane phrase of ACCESS DENIED!! flashes through her mind as her body tingles and changes.

She changes. Her child frame blurs and shifts, losing the form of childish youth and taking on the curves of majority.....of womanhood. She does not grow much in size, for the elves of present day do not grow over four feet in height. She does lose a bit of mass as her musculature turns from human to elfin, becoming stronger than what her small stature suggests, but much lighter. Her hips widen and she finds herself filling out her silk chamise in a manner that has become routine since the onset of puberty. Her hair shitfs and changes, grows. But that is only true for the hair on her head (elves don't have any body or facial hair of note). Her hair takes on the tufted, but beautiful form, that her analog has chosen. She finds that her ears wiggle and then grow in size.....then become extremely pointed. She revels in the immensity of the new sounds, smells, and sight her vastly increased sense bring her....much in excess of anyting she's known before as a mere human. She'll find that her reflex have increased dramatically. Shell find that she needs not sleep, only rest to regain stamina (sleep is for humans). She'll find she's unaging (death only from unnatural causes). She finds her outfit shifts from the silk chemise she came in with have changed into the well fitting outfit of green and brown leather jerkin, pants, and boots. She'll find her ears have been pierced and she's wearing golden hooped ear-rings. She'll find she's equipped with the equipment that her counterpart is presently carrrying over in what some would call a Whoniverse.

Presently, she staggers right now as the transformation reaches in and begins to change her mind from human to elfin. The transformation doesn't change her fundamental nature. Astra is still Astra, but it's an Astra who's an elf with a few human quirks....but will react and act like the elfin lass she now is.

The transformation reaches what some call the "heart." It is not the organ that pumps life giving blood. Rather, it reaches into the part of the mind that feels love. Her human "heart" changes from human to the fey thing that all elves have.....and the fey, wild thing reaches out (like it's twin inside the one who had been called Astra in another universe before a "shaman" had transformed her).....and suddenly screams in horror as it finds that it's other part.....the animus to it's anima......the other part that is found in this world version of Fred......isn't where it thinks it should be!

Astra's heart had mirrored her other sister's heart, and had reached out to find Fred's heart and soul......

Problem is, that Fred is back uptime....and is in a bit of a pickle. The cry of Astra's elfin heart begins to reach out, magically and psychically, to find it's other part....

"Fred...." Astra whispers softly, weakly, as she falls to her knees.

Myrddin, meanwhile, knows very well that something is amiss, and is fighting desperately to stop what he thinks is imminent disaster for Astra. Why isn't his spell working? He'd said it was a dodgey process, but it seemed to have been working....until just a few seconds ago!

A flash of light and a tremendous tug is the last thing that both the now elfin Astra and the seer feel as an alerted Rule responds to a frantic alarm caused by what appeared to have been tampering.....

  1. Meanwhile, the elfin heart of Astra is still reaching out throughout time (piggybacking on the very process that Myridden had been trying to use in his search of a timeline to use) and reaches forward.....and finds Fred.

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