Fix me sword, Belboz

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1010

Fred was amazed by the enchantment. A sword that can't be put away. Annoying, but still quite powerful magic. Magic. Fred realised that Belboz must have done it, so Fred began running back down the cave to where Belboz was.

Luckily, the necromancer was still there. "Belboz! Look, whatever you did my sword, I demand you fix it, NOW!.

  1. Belboz shrugs and agrees. "Meh. Fine."
  2. Belboz shakes his head. "I'll do no such thing!"
  3. "Only if you pay for the first enchantment..." Belboz says greedily.
  4. "Fine, but both enchantments will be removed, not just the bad one!"

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