Back to the Caves

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 10093

Both options appeared to involve great risks, but eventually they opted to be sent back to the caves. Sir Charles enchanted Lord Fred's sword with a spell that should enable it to cut easily through Astra's chains. He explained that Astra had been mistaken in thinking that only the death of the dragon or the magic of the Wizard of Kamiro had the power break her chains. He also undid the spell on Velus, and a naked teenage boy suddenly stood where the dog had been. Sir Charles conjured up some clothes for him, which reminded Exotica that she was still nude. "Perhaps I could have some clothes too?" she suggested. "Of course," said the wizard, and she found herself wearing a gorgeous long gown. "Er, this is very nice," she said, "and I don't want to appear ungrateful, but it's not the most practical outfit for scrambling through caves." "No, I suppose not. There, is that better?" "Yes, much. Thank you." She now wore breeches and jerkin, and a pair of sturdy leather shoes.

"Now, there's no difficulty in transporting you magically into the caves without it being detected. Pinpointing the exact point where Astra is being held might have been difficult, but fortunately I can locate her magical chains from their aura and use that to guide where I send you." "Let's do it then," said Fred.

They materialised in the correct tunnel. When their eyes had adjusted to the gloom:

  1. They saw the chained Astra right in front of them.
  2. They saw the chains but they hung empty. "I should have realised this might happen," said Exotica. "It must be her turn to act as a servant to the dragon." [172]

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