Re: 208:5 VALID +2.0 Style

From: Ed Murphy (
Date: Wed May 14 2003 - 12:38:46 PDT

Richard Holmes wrote:

> > I interpret the excerpt of 208:3 as placing a requirement only on 208:3.
>Much as I hate to argue against the validity of my own rule, I must
>point out that if 208:3's "As required, ..." statement is in fact
>interpreted as a restriction on itself and not (as I interpreted)
>merely an assertion that the rule is obeying a (not-yet-existing)
>restriction, then the above sentence from 208:5 is inconsistent with

I interpret "such a requirement" in 208:5 as referring to "a requirement
on all rules", so 208:5 is not inconsistent with 208:3.

It's all a big mucky gray area, as I see it, and so What The Judge
Sez Goes.  Of course, you can overturn judgment via proposal.

Rule Date: 2003-05-15 02:10:32 GMT

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