Re: 185:2: INVALID, +1.9

From: Richard S. Holmes (rsholmes_at_MailBox.Syr.Edu)
Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 07:46:10 PDT

Jesse Welton <> writes:

> --- begin 185:2 ---
> Nothing in this rule is true.  This is a stupid rule, and obviously
> INVALID.  Blatant self-inconsitancy merits low style; therefore this
> entire untrue rule is defamatory to its author, me.  Under rule 185:1,
> the Judge must therefore rule it VALID.  I further request a style
> award in the amount of 3.0 points in compensation, to be deducted from
> the style of the offending rule's author.
> --- end ---

JUDGEMENT: This rule correctly asserts that it is INVALID, as would
any rule be that makes the claim "Nothing in this rule is true."

STYLE: Blatant self-inconsistency merits high style, sometimes.
(+2.0) As does knowing how to spell "self-inconsistency". (-0.1)

- Rich Holmes
  Syracuse, NY

Rule Date: 2002-05-30 14:46:24 GMT

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