Proposal 185:C

From: Jonathan Van Matre (
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 12:08:48 PDT

PROPOSED:  For the duration of Round 185, The Judge shall have the
authority to change eir ruling on any rule, and the style points awarded
to that rule, at any time.

ARGUMENT:  It is expected that the Judge will not do so arbitrarily, but
within the constraints of Rule 185:1.  This is to facilitate a changing
player "reputation" which is synonymous with the style score, and allow
players to invalidate each other's rules by noting errors in them,
thereby setting up a climate in which accusations of libel, slander, and
defamation may run rampant.  See Rule 185:1 for a more detailed

Rule Date: 2002-05-28 19:10:17 GMT

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