187:3 INVALID +0.5

From: Jesse Welton (jwelton_at_pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu)
Date: Wed Jun 26 2002 - 07:15:20 PDT

187:3   Ed Murphy       2002-06-26 03:37:18 INVALID     +0.5
> +----------------------------+     +----------------------------+
> |                            |     |                            |
> | This rule contains two     |     | This rule contains two     |
> | statements, exactly one of |     | statements, exactly one of |
> | which is true, and the     |     | which is true, and the     |
> | next rule shall be in the  |     | next rule shall be in the  |
> | form of a word puzzle.     |     | form of a number puzzle.   |
> |                            |     |                            |
> +----------------------------+     +----------------------------+

Validity: This doesn't have the form of a riddle, as required by 187:1.

Style: Although it's not a riddle, I find the form of this rule
appealing.  That it's invalid, and would only affect the subsequent
rule anyway, is disappointing.  +0.5

-Judge Jesse

Rule Date: 2002-06-26 14:15:37 GMT

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