
From: Ed Murphy (emurphy42_at_socal.rr.com)
Date: Wed Aug 21 2002 - 22:39:45 PDT

From: E. Murphy, Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
To:   All FRC Legal Counsel, Including Myself
Re:   Request

As noted by 192:3, R05 reads

  5. End of Game.  If at any time after the seventh day of a round,
     there is only one person eligible to play, then
      (a) all current fantasy rules are repealed
      (b) the round ends
      (c) the sole remaining player is declared winner of the just
  ended round and becomes Judge.

If the Judge were to resign, and then all players except for the old and
new Judges were to resign from FRC, then 5(c) would trigger with the old
Judge as its target.  However, this plan - like the plan described by
192:2 - must happen within the first week, or else the old Judge will
miss eir chance at first-week automatic eligibility (R03).

The red tape is getting worse!  Each future rule shall explicitly refer
to at least two Regular Ordinances, and at least two previous rules.

Ed Murphy <emurphy42_at_socal.rr.com>          "I'm not sure I can go through
http://members.fortunecity.com/emurphy/      with it.  Leave, I mean."

Rule Date: 2002-08-22 05:41:01 GMT

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