Re: 192:2 VALID +1.0

From: Joshua (
Date: Wed Aug 21 2002 - 07:30:45 PDT

--- Andre Engels <> wrote:
> From: A. Engels, Temporary Assistant Associate Counsel for
> Near-nonsense
> To: All FRC Legal Councel
> Re: Request
> I have thought of one good way for Judge Joshua to remain in power;
> however,
> it does require the help of an accomplice. Joshua should resign
> judgeship in
> favor of his accomplice, then post a Rule. Next the accomplice
> resigns in
> favor of Joshua, Joshua declares his own Rule VALID, and waits till
> as short
> as possible before the time that there would be only one legal player
> left,
> and then resign again in favor of his accomplice.
> Of course this would fail if a player would post a rule after Joshua
> had
> stepped down the second time - it would then have to be judged by his
> accomplice, and we cannot claim that Joshua 'remains' in power, just
> that
> he returns to power. It also has the disadvantage of requiring an
> accomplice,
> as well as some tricky timing.
> From now on, anyone providing a new method for Judge Joshua to remain
> in
> power for another round should also explicitly mention at least one
> of the
> disadvantages of the method proposed.
> Andre Engels
> --
> Rule Date: 2002-08-21 14:03:21 GMT

Style 1.0

+2.0 for making a suggestion convoluted enough to be nearly
incomprehensible - a sure sign of legal competance.  -1 for not
deciding once and for all how to spell councel or is it counsel?

Pesonally I'm not sure how to estimate the character of this Engels
chap. I knew from the begining of my ambitous campaign that all would
either be fore me or against me.  Engels however, tries to walk the
line. On one hand he could be exhorting the counsellors to apply
rigorous self criticism and thus improve the quality of their advice.
On the other foot it might be a method of sabotaging all further
schemes. Will I be paralysed by this kind of double speak? Only space
will tell.

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Rule Date: 2002-08-21 14:31:04 GMT

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