Re: 182:1 VALID +3

From: Tieka (
Date: Fri Apr 19 2002 - 14:37:25 PDT

on 4/19/02 1:34 PM, Karl Low at wrote:

> "Blasted rabbit!" I thought, as the little thing scurried out of sight. The
> thing had promised to lead me to my long-lost Alice, but now it was leaving
> me out here in the middle of.. the middle of..
> "Now where the heck am I?"
> All around me were tall trees, so high and full that the sky could not be
> seen. The area was lit by some most luminous mushrooms, but after the
> earlier nonsense I knew better than to go snacking.
> "You are," came a languid reply "exactly where you will not be when you
> leave."  Looking around I could not see the originator of the voice, though
> it had a familiar quality. Then up on a bough I noticed two glowing eyes
> peering down at me.
> "That really isn't much help," I called to the peculiar creature.
> "If what you want is help, then perhaps that is what you should ask for." A
> sly grin appeared below the eyes, "If, on the other hand, what you asked for
> is your location, then perhaps you should not be surprised if that," the
> creature paused yet again, "is what I provide."
> "Look, I just want to find Alice."
> "Oh. Well. That makes things entirely different. For that you'll have to
> speak with the Queen."
> "The Queen?"
> "The very same."
> I sighed, why couldn't anything down here give a straight answer? "Very well
> then. And where shall I find this Queen?"
> "Why, with the King of course. They are the only two Royals in this land."
> "Well where can I find the King then?"
> "Why obviously," the creature sputtered, "you'll find him with the Queen,"
> its eyes slowly blinked as it gazed down at me. "It only makes sense after
> all, if the one is with the other, than the other shall be with the one."
> I determined then and there that if I ever got my hands on this annoying
> thing I would strangle the life from it. I tried again, "Well how shall I go
> about meeting the King and Queen?"
> "Oh, they'll be about I'm sure. Being the only two Royals we have though, I
> daresay you won't see them until after this round is done."
> "This round? What are you talking about?"
> "The truth, of course. I shall give you a hint," the creature said, and it
> seemed to be fading away as it spoke, "they are both of a numerical nature."
> "A what?" I called, but it was too late, the creature had vanished. Although
> its advice was remarkably unhelpful, I somehow knew that it was also all
> true. The Royals wouldn't make their appearance til after the end of the
> round, they were of a numerical nature, and I had to find them to save my
> beloved Alice.

A very entertaining tale to begin this round. We begin with a mystery that
we must solve to save the beloved Alice. Some subtle restrictions, and some
very subtle answers to questions that haven't been asked yet. I am
impressed. Since this rule is consist with itself, and doesn't conflict with
any other rules, I rule it VALID. I give it a +2 for being logically
structured and +1 more for being very entertaining.


Rule Date: 2002-04-19 21:38:42 GMT

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