167:9, INVALID, -1.0

From: Jeremy D. Selengut (selengut_at_nih.gov)
Date: Tue Aug 21 2001 - 13:24:09 PDT

>Begin rule
>A word has the following properties:
>1.  It is preceded by at least one space.
>2.  It is followed by a space or one of the following punctuation
>characters: .!?,;:"
>3.  It can be found in a dictionary.
>"Only character strings that meet all these criteria" may be considered words.
>end rule

Submitted by Kitt Bartlett

Judgement: INVALID.  Inconsistent with 167:1, no word beginning with the
letter "G".

Style: VERY unstylish to fall prey to one's own rule, and considering how
few restrictions there are so far, that was a wee bit embarrassing,
no?  Property #3 has loopholes big enough to drive a truck through - a
dictionary of Latvian slang, anyone?  Even if it were airtight, was this
necessary?  It has nothing to do with the theme and is boring to
boot.  Consider yourself lucky with only -1.0.


Rule Date: 2001-08-21 20:25:04 GMT

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